AGWATEC 2016. Agriculture and Water Technology
Posted on 10/11/2016 in Eventos

Agwatec 2016 was the first congress about Agriculture, Water Technology and Environmental Control that took place in Seville. This was an initiative to promote the cooperation between national and international companies, in which BIOAZUL participated and was very involved.
BIOAZUL had a stand, from which was informing to the different visitors about the last technologies and innovation projects developed by the companie, specially about RichWater project.
Furthermore, there was a special session devoted to wastewater reuse within the congress programme, in which RichWater project was introduced.
The speaker, Rafael Casielles, highlighted the importance of including reclaimed water as an alternative among the different water resources in the Andalucía region and the need about betting for the innovation to find solutions which allow the optimal use of water and nutrients.
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